16 minute read

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I’ve worked on a project where we had multiple crawlers that gathered data which was stored for further processing and downstream ML training. To make things easier we wrote a small service that took care of managing and scheduling crawlers. The service was configured and managed using systemd, which gave us better monitoring, status reports, logging, unexpected error handling etc. Additionally, we used multiple oneshot services that handled different kinds of configuration setups and cleanup.

In this post we will cover basics of systemd, benefits of using it, and some examples that will prepare you to start off on the right foot.



systemd serves as a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It runs as an init system (PID 1) that starts the rest of the system, boostraps user space and manages processes. It’s capable of starting services in parallel, which improves the boot time. Besides keeping track of processes, systemd provides replacements for various daemons, offers on-demand starting daemons, maintains mount points, includes logging daemon, controls basic system configuration like: system accounts, runtime directories, running containers and virtual machines, and many many more.

When Linux kernel handles control to systemd, during the boot process, it’s the only process that’s running. There are no background processes that manage network configuration, display managers, etc - rendering the system unusable. At this point, systemd checks the desired run-state of the system and starts running services. A run-state is called a target.

If you run man bootup you’ll see a really neat chart:

                                        cryptsetup-pre.target veritysetup-pre.target
           (various low-level                                v
            API VFS mounts:             (various cryptsetup/veritysetup devices...)
            mqueue, configfs,                                |    |
            debugfs, ...)                                    v    |
            |                                  cryptsetup.target  |
            |  (various swap                                 |    |    remote-fs-pre.target
            |   devices...)                                  |    |     |        |
            |    |                                           |    |     |        v
            |    v                       local-fs-pre.target |    |     |  (network file systems)
            |  swap.target                       |           |    v     v                 |
            |    |                               v           |  remote-cryptsetup.target  |
            |    |  (various low-level  (various mounts and  |  remote-veritysetup.target |
            |    |   services: udevd,    fsck services...)   |             |    remote-fs.target
            |    |   tmpfiles, random            |           |             |             /
            |    |   seed, sysctl, ...)          v           |             |            /
            |    |      |                 local-fs.target    |             |           /
            |    |      |                        |           |             |          /
            \____|______|_______________   ______|___________/             |         /
                                        \ /                                |        /
                                         v                                 |       /
                                  sysinit.target                           |      /
                                         |                                 |     /
                  ______________________/|\_____________________           |    /
                 /              |        |      |               \          |   /
                 |              |        |      |               |          |  /
                 v              v        |      v               |          | /
            (various       (various      |  (various            |          |/
             timers...)      paths...)   |   sockets...)        |          |
                 |              |        |      |               |          |
                 v              v        |      v               |          |
           timers.target  paths.target   |  sockets.target      |          |
                 |              |        |      |               v          |
                 v              \_______ | _____/         rescue.service   |
                                        \|/                     |          |
                                         v                      v          |
                                     basic.target         rescue.target    |
                                         |                                 |
                                 ________v____________________             |
                                /              |              \            |
                                |              |              |            |
                                v              v              v            |
                            display-    (various system   (various system  |
                        manager.service     services        services)      |
                                |         required for        |            |
                                |        graphical UIs)       v            v
                                |              |            multi-user.target
           emergency.service    |              |              |
                   |            \_____________ | _____________/
                   v                          \|/
           emergency.target                    v

This chart is a structural overview of well-known targets and their position in the boot-up logic.

Unless otherwise specified, systemd always starts the default.target, which is a symlink to the true target file. For desktops that’s typically the graphical.target i.e. multi-user.target with a GUI.

Targets are a set of services that are required to run a system at a specific level of functionality such as multi-user, GUI etc. What makes reaching targets difficult is that services depend on each other creating a dependency tree. Using systemd-analyze we can get more information about the systemd’s execution tree, for example systemd-analyze critical-chain outputs blocking tree of daemons:

> system-analyze critical-chain
The time when unit became active or started is printed after the "@" character.
The time the unit took to start is printed after the "+" character.

graphical.target @9.024s
└─multi-user.target @9.024s
  └─docker.service @8.004s +1.020s
    └─network-online.target @7.974s
      └─NetworkManager-wait-online.service @2.474s +5.499s
        └─NetworkManager.service @2.440s +32ms
          └─dbus.service @2.398s +39ms
            └─basic.target @2.392s
              └─sockets.target @2.392s
                └─docker.socket @2.388s +4ms
                  └─sysinit.target @2.385s
                    └─systemd-backlight@backlight:intel_backlight.service @2.633s +4ms
                      └─system-systemd\x2dbacklight.slice @2.632s
                        └─system.slice @274ms
                          └─-.slice @274ms

In my case the NetworkManager and docker are definitely holding entire bootup :’D

Other useful commands:

  • systemd-analyze plot - This command prints an SVG graphic detailing which system services have been started at what time, highlighting the time they spent on initialization
  • systemd-analyze dot - generates textual dependency graph description in dot format for further processing with the GraphViz dot(1) tool

Dependencies and Ordering

For systemd dependency doesn’t mean ordering, those two things are different. We could set a dependency between services but systemd will run them at the same time in parallel.

There are two directives to set dependencies:

  • Wants: If service_1 wants service_2, both services will start. However, if service_2 fails to start it will not have affect on the service_1 running successfully
  • Requires: If service_1 requires service_2, both services will start. But now, if service_2 fails to start the service_1 will be deactivated

You can look at Wants as a weaker Requires. Man page of systemd.unit recommends Wants as a way to hook start-up of one service to the start-up of another service.

The dependency ordering can be set using:

  • Before: If service_1 has before service_2 then the start-up of service_2 is delayed until service_1 has finished starting up
  • After: If service_1 has after service_2 then the start-up of service_1 is delayed until service_2 has finished starting up

If two services have ordering dependency between them, during shut down the inverse of start-up ordering is applied. Of course, if no ordering dependency is defined between them, they are shut down or started simultaneously.

To learn more about dependency and ordering please read man systemd.unit


Until now we only talked about services but systemd can manage a lot more. An object that systemd manages is called a unit, it can be of many types and the most common type is a service. A unit is defined using unit files. If a unit is of type service it will have a unit file that ends with .service.

Other types are:

  • .socket: an IPC or network socket or a file system FIFO controlled and supervised by systemd, for socket-based activation. Ref: systemd.socket
  • .device: a device unit as exposed in the sysfs/udev device tree. This may be used to define dependencies between devices and other units. Ref: systemd.device
  • .mount: a file system mount point controlled and supervised by systemd. Ref: systemd.mount
  • .automount: configures a mount point that will be automatically mounted. For each automount unit file a matching mount unit file must exist. Ref: systemd.automount
  • .swap: a swap device or file for memory paging controlled and supervised by systemd. Swap units must be named after the devices or files they control. Ref: systemd.swap
  • .target: target unit of systemd, which is used for grouping units during start-up. Target units do not offer any additional functionality on top of the generic functionality provided by units. They exist merely to group units via dependencies, and to establish standardized names for synchronization points used in dependencies between units. Ref: systemd.target
  • .path: a path monitored by systemd, for path-based activation. For each path file, a matching unit file must exist, describing the unit to activate when the path changes. Ref: systemd.path
  • .timer: a timer controlled and supervised by systemd, for timer-based activation. Similar to a cron job, a matching unit will be started when the timer is reached. Ref: systemd.timer
  • .slice: a slice unit. A slice unit is a concept for hierarchically managing resources of a group of processes. This management is performed by creating a node in the Linux Control Group (cgroup) tree. Ref: systemd.slice
  • .scope: a scope unit. Scopes units manage a set of system processes. Unlike service units, scope units manage externally created processes, and do not fork off processes on its own. Ref: systemd.scope

Many of these units are interconnected and work together to build a specific functionality. If you are interested in understanding more about these types, please go through referenced man pages.

Unit file syntax

If you’ve worked with python’s ConfigParser you are familiar with configuration files that use [Sections] similar to .toml or .ini. systemd’s unit files also have sections, general directives, and section specific directives.


The first section is [Unit], which is used for defining metadata of a unit and configuring dependencies to other units. Some directives define generic information about the unit that is not dependent on the type of a unit:

  • Description= - a short human readable title of the unit
  • Documentation= - a space-separated list of URIs referencing documentation for this unit or its configuration
  • Wants= - this is how we define Wants between units - mentioned above
  • Requires= - this is how we define Requires between units - mentioned above
  • Before=, After= - this is how we define Before/After between units - mentioned above
  • StopWhenUnneeded= - if true, unit will be stopped when it’s no longer needed
  • OnFailure= - defines one or more units that will be activated when the unit enters the failed state
  • OnSuccess=- defines one or more units that will be activated when the unit enters the inactive state

See man systemd.unit to get the full list of generic directives


Some directives are unit-specific, for example [Service] takes:

  • Type= - configures the process start-up type for this service unit. Takes one of: simple, exec, forking, oneshot, dbus, notify, or idle.
  • RemainAfterExit= - specifies whether the service shall be considered active even when all its processes exited
  • Restart= - defines when a service should be restarted. Takes one of: on-success, on-failure, on-abnormal, on-watchdog, on-abort, or always.
  • RestartSec= - the time to sleep before restarting a service
  • TimeoutStartSec= - the time to wait for start-up

See man systemd.service to get the full list of service directives


The second section is [Install], which carries installation information for the unit. This section is used by enable and disable commands of systemctl (described in the section below) during installation of a unit. Some of the generic directives for this sections are:

  • Alias= - a space-separated list of additional names this unit shall be installed under
  • Also= - additional units to install/deinstall when this unit is installed/deinstalled

Now let’s take a look at a unit file, for example: docker.service located at /usr/lib/systemd/service:

Description=Docker Application Container Engine
After=network-online.target docker.socket firewalld.service

# the default is not to use systemd for cgroups because the delegate issues still
# exists and systemd currently does not support the cgroup feature set required
# for containers run by docker
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
# Having non-zero Limit*s causes performance problems due to accounting overhead
# in the kernel. We recommend using cgroups to do container-local accounting.
# Uncomment TasksMax if your systemd version supports it.
# Only systemd 226 and above support this version.
# set delegate yes so that systemd does not reset the cgroups of docker containers
# kill only the docker process, not all processes in the cgroup
# restart the docker process if it exits prematurely



To interact with and send commands to systemd we use systemctl command that allows us to view, start, stop, restart, enable, or disable system services.

The following are some basic systemctl commands:

Command Action
systemctl start name.service Executes instructions in the service’s unit file and starts a systemd service
systemctl stop name.service Stops a currently running service
systemctl restart name.service Restarts a running service
systemctl reload name.service Reloads application’s configuration files without restarting it
systemctl status name.service Checks the status of a service
systemctl enable name.service Configures a service to be automatically started at boot by creating a symlink
systemctl disable name.service Disables auto start at boot
systemctl list-units --type service --all Outputs a list of all services
systemctl list-dependencies name.service Outputs a list of dependencies for specified service
systemctl mask name.service Completely disables a service - cannot be started automatically or manually

The systemctl status name.service command prints some basic information about the service and most recent logs:

> systemctl status docker.service
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-06-26 16:19:36 CEST; 1h 29min ago
TriggeredBy: ● docker.socket
       Docs: https://docs.docker.com
   Main PID: 950 (dockerd)
      Tasks: 64 (limit: 14057)
     Memory: 448.9M
        CPU: 37.684s
     CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
             ├─  950 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
             ├─  961 containerd --config /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml --log-level info
             ├─ 5276 /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 4000 -container-ip -contai...
             ├─ 5283 /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip :: -host-port 4000 -container-ip -container-p...

Jun 26 17:14:20 vladimir dockerd[961]: time="2022-06-26T17:14:20.421914499+02:00" level=warnin...
Jun 26 17:14:23 vladimir dockerd[961]: time="2022-06-26T17:14:23.791570816+02:00" level=info m...

We can see that the docker.service was triggered by docker.socket which is consistent with the unit file that we saw above.

Also I’m running this site as a docker container for local testing, that’s why there are PIDs 5276 and 5283

It’s quite interesting to see a list of dependencies of a service and how
everything is connected. From swap.target, local-fs.target to the whole sysinit.target and network-online.target to docker.socket, and finally docker.service. Run systemctl list-dependencies docker.service and compare the output to the chart above.


systemd has its own logging system called the journal. It’s started and managed using the service systemd-journald.service. To query the journal i.e. logs of systemd and services, we use journalctl command.

The following are some basic journalctl commands:

Command Action
journalctl -n 15 get first 15 log records
journalctl --since "yesterday" get log records of yesterday
journalctl --since "2 hours ago" get log records of the last 2 hours
journalctl -b get log records from the current boot
journalctl -b -n (where $n∈N$) get log records from the n-th boot relative to the current one
journalctl --list-boots list boots
journalctl -u name.service get logs from a specific service
journalctl -f get tail log records

Alright, now we know more than enough to start playing around with systemd services and create our own units!

Creating a service

Simple script

Let’s start with a simple script. It will run when we start the service and then exit. Create a file simple_script.py that has the following content:

print("I'm just a poor script, I need no sympathy!")

Then create a simple_script.service in /usr/lib/systemd/system/:

Description=A simple script

ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python <path>/simple_script.py


If you’re wondering why /usr/bin/env python, please see: What is the difference between “#!/usr/bin/env bash” and “#!/usr/bin/bash”?

Now we can run it using systemctl start simple_script.service and check the status:

○ simple_script.service - A simple script
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/simple_script.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)

Jun 29 20:45:15 vladimir systemd[1]: Started A simple script.
Jun 29 20:45:15 vladimir env[11994]: I'm just a poor script, I need no sympathy!
Jun 29 20:45:15 vladimir systemd[1]: simple_script.service: Deactivated successfully.

Service is in inactive (dead) status, but looking at logs we see that it has been executed and successfully deactivated.

Script timer

The idea here is to create a .timer service that will trigger .service every X seconds.

Of course, the same can be done using the cron. However, there are differences: Cron vs systemd timers and ArchWiki - systemd/Timers

Let’s create a timer_script.py:

print("Too late, my time has come.")

timer unit timer_script.timer:

Description=Timer trigger



and finally a service timer_script.service:

Description=A simple script

ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python <path>/timer_script.py


You may be asking yourself “How does it know to trigger the right service?” Well, the name of the timer has to be the same as the name of the service.

Now, we need to start the timer service and it will trigger the service every 10s: systemctl start timer_script.timer. Check the logs using journalctl -u timer_script.service to confirm the execution.

Execute script before/after activating/deactivating a service

The combination of ExecStartPre=, ExecStartPost=, and ExecStopPost= can be used to achieve this.

Let’s create pre_post_script.service with the following content:

Description=pre/post script

ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/env python -c "print('Easy come, easy go, will you let me go')"
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python -c "print('No, we will not let you go')"
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/env python -c "print('Never let you go')"
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/env python -c "print('Mama mia, let me go')"


If you start the service and then check logs, you’ll see:

Jun 29 22:03:41 vladimir systemd[1]: Starting pre/post script...
Jun 29 22:03:41 vladimir env[17421]: Easy come, easy go, will you let me go
Jun 29 22:03:41 vladimir env[17422]: No, we will not let you go
Jun 29 22:03:41 vladimir env[17423]: Never let you go
Jun 29 22:03:41 vladimir env[17424]: Mama mia, let me go
Jun 29 22:03:41 vladimir systemd[1]: pre_post_script.service: Deactivated successfully.

Oneshot service

The biggest difference between a oneshot and a simple service is how they manage activation of the follow-up services. Basically, simple services start immediately without waiting for a service to finish the process. On the other hand, oneshot service will wait until the completion before it starts other services.

If you are looking for a deep dive on this subject, please see this awesome post: Simple vs Oneshot - Choosing a systemd Service Type

A real life example would be to have a oneshot service that is started in order to fetch and set some parameters before activating a new service that will use those parameters.

The most important directive here is RemainAfterExit which tells systemd to keep the oneshot service active even after the service exits. This is useful for multiple things, for example: running a cleanup service before shutting down.

Let’s create a simple example of setup/teardown oneshot service:

Description=Simple oneshot service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python -c "print('Galileo setup')"
ExecStop=/usr/bin/env python -c "print('Figaro teardown')"


Starting this service and checking its status gives us:

● simple_oneshot.service - Simple oneshot service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/simple_oneshot.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (exited) since Thu 2022-06-30 23:57:14 CEST; 5s ago
    Process: 4675 ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python -c print('Galileo setup') (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 4675 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
        CPU: 29ms

Jun 30 23:57:14 vladimir systemd[1]: Starting Simple oneshot service...
Jun 30 23:57:14 vladimir env[4675]: Galileo setup
Jun 30 23:57:14 vladimir systemd[1]: Finished Simple oneshot service.

We can see that the service has been started and setup was completed, but it’s status still remains active. If we stop it, the following will happen:

Jun 30 23:59:07 vladimir env[4837]: Figaro teardown
Jun 30 23:59:07 vladimir systemd[1]: simple_oneshot.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jun 30 23:59:07 vladimir systemd[1]: Stopped Simple oneshot service.

Web application service

Another common example is managing a web application using systemd. Let’s say that we have a Flask or Django application and we are running it using gunicorn or uWSGI and Nginx as a reverse proxy.

We could create a simple service that starts gunicorn:

Description=gunicorn daemon

ExecStart=<gunicorn-path> \
          --access-logfile - \
          --workers 3 \
          --bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock \


If you are interested in the details, please see How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 18.04

However, there is a more involved setup that uses systemd .socket service to create a unix socket for incoming gunicorn requests. In this setup, systemd will listen on the socket and automatically start gunicorn when traffic arrives.

To achieve this we need to create a web_app.socket and web_app.service of type notify. That way systemd will automatically set up a communication socket and it will listen for messages in that socket. The final step is to configure Nginx to proxy the traffic to the web_app.socket.

To learn more please see Deploying Gunicorn - Systemd

Final words

If you are just starting out with configuring your services using systemd it can be difficult to wrap your head around what’s going on. Understanding how systemd defines units, differences between them, multiple options, and how to combine multiple units into a specific functionality can take some time and a lot of man-paging1.

I hope this post gave a better understanding of how systemd works and a starting point for defining new services.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out, I’m always available.


  1. I’m pretty sure this word does not exist. Nevertheless, it’s a perfect opportunity for a wordplay with man pages and memory management - paging :D 


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